Supergirl Season 5 Episode 9

This is how the Green Arrow dies: Not by saving the city, but by saving the entire universe. (At least so it seems.) It is the job of the beginning of the story, which “Crisis On Infinite Earths: Part One” most definitely is, to set the stakes for the crossover journey to come, and boy did this Supergirl starter do it. In an episode that begins with the destruction of entire worlds, including Argo City (the last remaining bit of Krypton), it might seem impossible to raise the stakes even further, but “Part One” does it, not only killing Oliver, but also Supergirl’s entire planet. If Oliver Queen is the Tony Stark of this on-screen universe, aka the character who started it all, then killing him off in the first hour of a five-part crossover is a massively gutsy storytelling move and one I hope “Crisis” sticks with moving forward, even if it is devastating. We’ve known since last year’s crossover that Ollie would die in this Crisis—the Arrowverse told us so again and again over the course of Arrow Season 8—and, frankly, it would have felt like cheating for “Crisis” to do anything else.  And what is at stake? Pariah aka The Man Formerly Known as Nash Wells, aka The Man Who Let the Anti-Monitor Out in the First Place, drops in during Oliver’s death scene to make sure everyone knows just how dire things have become: “Things are turning out differently than expected, but one thing is certain: Everything we know. Everything there is. And everything there ever was. Is doomed.” Thanks, Pariah. Great pep talk. But before we look ahead to what might come next, let’s go back and talk about this episode, which was a non-stop delight of superhero cameos not only in terms of actors and characters, but also settings. “Crisis” had helpful location titles throughout the episode, which was, frankly, necessary given how many worlds we were jumping between. Here’s my count: Earth-89 Gotham City, Earth-9 San Fransisco, Earth-X, Earth-66 Gotham City, Earth-38 National City, Earth-1 Lian Yu, Earth-1 Central City, Earth-1 Gotham City, Earth-1 Star City, and Star City Earth-16 (2046).  These worlds and more are at stake when the Anti-Monitor lets loose a massive wave of anti-matter that, when our story picks up, is currently sweeping across the universe, destroying everything in its path. The Monitor gathers as many heroes as he can, including Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, Arrow’s daughter Mia, Atom, White Canary, and Batwoman to make a stand on Earth-38. It is… semi-successful? While our heroes might not save Earth-38, which will no doubt have massive repercussions for Supergirlmoving forward, they do hold off the Anti-Monitors army of shadow demons long enough to allow a mass evacuation of the planet. I wish this show had had the budget to show a bit more of this part of the story, especially as many of the Supergirl characters, like Nia, J’onn, Kelly, and Alex were involved in it, but budgets gotta budget. In the end, 3 billion of 7.53 billion make it off of Earth-38 and seek refuge on Earth-1, which we learn will be the last world to be hit by the anti-matter wave. It would be incredibly ambitious, both in terms of narrative and budget (they build those standing sets to last an entire season, at the very least!), for the Arrowverse to commit to such a complete change in setting for Supergirl moving forward, but what an interesting choice that would be: for a show about alien refugees to become a show about an entire universe’s world of refugees. But also very dark. “Part One” of “Crisis on Infinite Earths” was relatively modest in its use of Arrowverse’s massive superhero cast, which I think was a very clever choice. By keeping the ensemble in this part of the story relatively small, we were able to spend more time with all of them, not to mention check in with the characters who are Supergirl-specific. In the latter case, we got one of the best scenes of a consistently great episode when Alex goes to ask Lena for help building a transmatter portal, leading with an apology she probably should have already given Lena. “I don’t want your apology, Alex, because you will never again have my friendship or my trust,” Lena tells her. “I’ve learned my lesson from all of you. But, if the world is at stake, then of course I’ll help. It is hubris of you to think that I wouldn’t, but then you’ve made it clear how little you think of me these past few years.”  Which, frankly, yes. Lena makes some amazing points here that were hopefully interesting for even non-Supergirl viewers to watch play out. Given that The Monitor saved Lex as a resource for “Crisis,” it will be interesting to see what role Lena continues to play moving forward. The CW superhero crossovers aren’t just about getting viewers interested in the other superhero shows currently airing on the network; they’re also, increasingly, about getting viewers excited for shows to come. In this episode alone, we get some of the foundation for two CW shows currently in development: We get to spend time with parents Superman and Lois Lane as they try to balance saving the world with keeping track of their infant son. Perhaps we can expect more of the same from the Superman & Lois TV series The CW currently has in development. The other prospective series “Part One” does a lovely job sowing the seeds for is The Canaries spinoff in development at The CW, which would center around Mia, Earth-2’s Laurel Lance, and Dinah Drake as a team of female vigilantes. While the process of Oliver passing on the Green Arrow mantle to Mia may have begin in Arrow, we see it come to fruition here, as Oliver gifts Mia with a suit of her own before he dies, then asks Mia to “keep him in her heart,” which you know is going to equate to Mia going full-on vigilante just like her own father did in the wake of his father’s death.

Additional thoughts.

– If you needed any more proof that Legends of Tomorrow is the most delightful of the Arrowverse shows, look no further than how, in the midst of these many TV series’ dark, dire worlds being pulled into the crossover, Sara and Ray are just hanging out, drinking, at a pub trivia night. – “Holy Crimson Skies of Death!” – From the conference room discussion of their plan to the dynamic overhead shots of the superhero team in action, there were a few moments during which “Crisis” was very The Avengers-like, visually. – Spike! Every pet in National City is having a meltdown in the wake of the “Crisis.” Oh no. Most of the pets probably didn’t make it off of the Earth. – “I thought Monitor was a Flash and Green Arrow problem.” Brainy, not here for this Arrow/Flash nonsense. – “That rabbit was about to talk!” “This one speaks to rabbits.” – In general, Batwoman had very little to do in the episode. Hopefully, she will have more to do in tomorrow night’s episode, which is Batwoman‘s hour. – When you send your kid into a universe that has an anti-matter wave sweeping across it. Whoops! – What did we think of Lyla as Harbinger. As a non-comics reader, I was confused by this character. I know from my research she is like The Monitor’s sidekick, but I don’t think it was made very clear in the context of this on-screen adaptation how much of the Lyla we know and love is still there. Hopefully, a plot point to be further explored in the coming episodes. – “As will I.. I am excellent with children.” Brainy had some really good one-liners in this episode. – “I feel like a fool. I thought I could just give up the cape and have everything I ever wanted. And now Argo is gone, Earth is in danger, Lois and Jonathan are out in the univerrse where I can’t protect them, and part of me can’t help thinking that I deserve this for thinking that I could have so much. That anyone could.” OMG, Clark. The end of all things is not about you. – “How can you be so hopeful?” Even Clark is amazed by Kara’s optimism. – “Before our parents sent us to Earth, no one knew about Krypton. Now there are stories, celebrations, museum exhibits. Just like you shared our home with your family, we shared our home with this whole world. Krypton’s not just a place, it’s a spirit. It’s hope. It’s sacrifice. It’s what our parents did for us. What you did for Jonathan. We have made our parents proud by fighting for what’s right, so we have to keep fighting. And as long as that spirit is alive, Krypton will never die.” There were just so many good speeches in this episode. – “When The Fastest Man Alive shows up for the Crisis we’ve been expecting, it’s not the best look.” Barry and Oliver didn’t get as much time here as I would have liked, but it was lovely to see their familiar, loving banter, which has been such a foundational part of these crossovers.  – “Not knowing what you’re fighting mean you’ll prepare for every eventuality.” This is a terrible strategy, Monitor!  – Alex and J’onn working on Plan B, aka evacuating the planet, tells us so much about both of their characters: getting the important stuff done in the background while the heroes are fighting glamorously on the front lines. – “Star City is no place for a child.” – Sara Lance – “Whatever happens, find your mother, tell her how much I love her.” No you were crying at this Felicity reference. – “I’m flying through time, happier than I’ve ever been.” May Sara Lance always fly through time, happier than she’s ever been. – “You’re a good man. On every Earth.” Bold statement about Oliver Queen… or anyone really. – “I freed the Anti-Monitor from his confinement only to become a… pariah. Sentenced to bear witness to his actions.” Tom Cavanagh is always having such a good time. – “It is not supposed to be like this. This is not his ending I foresaw.” The Monitor has serious control issues. – The framing of that final shot: Oliver Queen, lying dead, surrounded by the members of his family who were there: Mia, Barry, and Sara, all still holding on. – “Keep me in your heart.” We will, Oliver.