Concerning businesses, employer brands depend upon a company’s value, culture, market, and industry. However, the employee experience holds the power to make a whole new difference in the market. Overworked, under-appreciated, and unhappy employees can affect the business value and market image as it creates a ripple effect among every part of the services. The constant turnover has made it vital for businesses to focus on a happy and healthy work environment. How can one cultivate a good employee experience to establish a strong brand? The aim is to offer employees a cohesive, consistent, and positive experience while touching every single pain point. It starts by sending out offer letters to potential candidates to exit interviews – every second with the candidates-turned-employees counts under the experience and journey cycle. It is a simplified visualization to understand an employee’s journey at every stage that can help in attracting new talent and, retaining current employees, building a better employer brand. With this said, here are the essential tools one must watch out for to map employee experience and journey.


Study, observe, improve, and capture employee journey and experience with Creately at different phases. It comes with a wide range of shapes to segment and creates personas, uses professional templates for engagement and interactions, and collaborates with a team. Creately employee journey map offers templates libraries that one can opt for to visualize every stage in minutes. One can drag-drop or create elements on the map to showcase career progression, starting point, and every step until resignation. It is easy to design a unique persona using different shapes, tables, color palettes, connectors, and images. The tool has in-app video conferencing (real-time commenting), making it easy to collaborate with the team and whiteboarding to ease interaction with multi-cursors. The aim is to arrange data using charts (tables) to showcase timelines, designations, and departments. It helps in enhancing the employee journey with the help of data models and organizational charts. Besides this, it has streamlines sharing across different role levels and access, context-aware shapes, add-ons, and embed it anywhere.

Service Design Tools

Cover all the touchpoints to find the significant interactions between employees and the company using Service Design Tools. It describes the step-by-step interaction of employees to map out what happens at every stage. Several layers are integrated to obtain the desired results, with additional layers to level up negative and positive experiences. The aim is to depict the whole employee experience, from emotional flow to pain points, covering the core experience of employees and their interaction with other departments or individuals. It narrates different experiences based on their job role, responsibilities, requirements, and behavior. Along with it, one can map out the emotional journey of each employee to analyze changes in perception. It associates with the emotional status of employees represented via a curve floating from different emotions such as delighted, satisfied, frustrated, and more. Journey mapping aims to improve business operations and ensure one can thrive in the market. Several templates are available at Service Design Tools (SDT) that can be opted for, including journey mapping in healthcare and journey mapping in a global Japanese electronics corporation. It can help envision employee experience using storytelling mode to deep dive into narrative and exemplification models. One can add a visual layer to the setup during a specific situation or narrative.


Merge the customer and employee experience to make an informed decision for the betterment of the business. MURAL allows you to use in-built templates to map out your journey to gauge employees’ expertise with opportunities and identity issues that can help drive market share, profitability, and revenue growth. By merging these two experiences at MURAL, one can obtain a holistic view to prioritize and identify significant areas. Customer experience is directly proportional to employee satisfaction; hence, merging these two can help create a better experience for employees, resulting in happier customers. Employee experience includes pain points, systems, tools, groups, supporting teams, and internal business processes. At the same time, customer experience includes touchpoints, moments of engagement, emotions, and attitude. It helps the organization understand the market and serves employees (and customers) based on their behaviors to increase their experience. One can evaluate inefficiencies to understand the root cause of customer pain points and identify critical moments. Several templates are available at MURAL, including discovery to shaping insights and user flow that can help come up with accurate results.


If you are still confused about where to start, here are some significant steps that can help:

Identify employee personas based on their job position and description,Use the template to work through each phase of employee experience, Analyze each step such as awareness, consideration, decision, retention, and post-employment to identify your weaknesses and strengths,And take the necessary action using the analytical data such as key messages, values, etc.,

The best thing to do is to conduct periodic employee engagement surveys to trigger new discussions and understand what is going on at the employee’s end. Like customer experience mapping tools, make sure to map your employee’s journey to offer a top-notch experience. Perhaps you’d like to watch a video version of this article. Do Like and subscribe to the Geekflare Youtube channel.

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